posted 02 September 2009 09:11 AM
Well, this is a cute one. I've done hands-on sessions for the daughter of a friend for 5 years now, for migraines. Childhood migraines, & they tried about everything but voodoo to treat them. I met her before she started college. When she started college, in desperation, she came for 3 sessions of mixed Reconnective Healing & QT, for migraines since childhood. After 3 sessions, she started college in Iowa....and went thru one year with no migraines, where she had been having 3-4 per week. Debilitating headaches.

Before school started during each of the following 3 years, she returned for "a tune-up" session of QT & went all the way to graduate school with no migraines, then thru grad school too, earning her Doctor of Divinity degree with Honors. Once her Mom called me & said "Chris had a headache." I said "Ohhh no...." whereupon her mother laughed & said, "Yes, but she took two Tylenol and it went away!" Ha ha ha, joke on me, it wasn't a migraine!

She's getting married in 3 weeks, is buying a house, has a position at a church, does youth counseling, and so she is greatly stressed.....and started having headaches, after all this time. She called & made an appointment but failed to show up. (Wrong date, she said...sorry....) Re-schedule date was last Saturday & she failed to show up again. VERY unlike her...she is 100% reliable, so I was concerned.

Her Mom said "She's having a meltdown...we're all worried!" We agreed to keep Chris in the dark about the fact that she missed another session, she would have felt awful, (wrong date again) & I said "I'll just do distant sessions until she gets her act together..." and we let it go at that.

So her Mom called me last night with this story: Saturday at the hour of the missed appointment with me, she was at the hairdresser, & I of course was at home waiting for her, and of course, doing distant QT. She told her Mom after the hair appt. that "It was the oddest thing! I think the hairdresser did something...It felt just like when Alice works on my head." And the headache is gone!

Her Mom tried to stifle the laughter, finally went "Snork snork" laughing so hard, & she told her daughter that in fact Alice WAS working on her! She was still laughing when she called me, we were both laughing so hard. Mom told her "Yah, it must have been the hairdresser..."

She obviously feels the connecting energy. I love stories like this. I'll keep her on my list, & am going to the wedding, of course.

Love to all. Get Started With QT Now >
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