Distant Healing Improves Paralysis & Chronic Pain

So here is my testimonial. On l7/4/2011 after I got home from my first Quantum-Touch Level I workshop with Bia de Castro Oliveira (picture on the left), I felt compelled to call a colleague who has been fighting the after effects of a stroke for 10 years. She has one side nearly paralyzed and walks with a cane. She was receiving treatment in a big Hospital in São Paulo, Brazil (applications of Botox in the arm and leg, and care for her heart and hypertension etc.) and physiotherapy.
Lately she is in a lot of pain in her good arm and has a growing hardening on her knee to the point of hardly walking with a cane. With a fear of losing the "good" arm she went to the doctor and was told that her arm´s nerves were destroyed and she would need surgery and her knee would need Botox applications and physiotherapy.
The day I called her she was in great pain and could hardly walk with the help of a cane indoors. I asked if she wanted me to send Quantum Touch. She agreed and for fifteen minutes I sent Quantum-Touch distant healing. I called her again to see the reaction and she said she appreciated the healing a lot but she felt a lot of pain during the distant healing session and probably needed physiotherapy and Botox.
I forgot to tell her that each case is unique and that all healing is Self Healing and sometimes during the healing process the body can feel a momentary increase of pain followed by improvement.
The next day she called me ecstatic saying that the arm pain was gone and that she was able to walk around the house without a cane because her knee did not hurt anymore and it had softened. She decided to go to the supermarket and was even able to carry the bags.
Remember that the doctor said that the softening of the knee would take around 2 weeks of physiotherapy? Well, it was all done in one distant healing session after I only attended a twelve-hour Quantum-Touch Level I workshop.
Fantastic Quantum-Touch!
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1.) Click Here to Review The Book, Quantum-Touch The Power To Heal
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