Laughter and Joy at a Quantum-Touch Gathering in Singapore

Friends or family members visiting their loved ones at the Singapore’s Changi General Hospital (CGH) last Sunday would have been puzzled by the laughter emanating from one of their rooms. Laughter isn’t an emotion commonly associated with a hospital.
But for the “students” of Yvonne Yeo, a certified Instructor in Southeast Asia, laughter and joy are two common emotions consistently found in her Quantum-Touch classes. And naturally, these are the two emotions that were abundantly present at a Quantum-Touch Gathering in Singapore, held on Sunday 18 November 2007 at a training room on the premise of CGH.
The gathering, a brainchild of Yvonne, was an opportunity for her graduates from her different classes to meet each other and more importantly, for them to be among like-minded individuals who share a passion for Quantum-Touch.
“I have been teaching since 2005 and I thought it would be nice to hold a gathering for all my past students. It’s a chance for those from the same batch to catch up with one another as well as for my students from different classes to meet one another. It’s also an opportunity for me to re-ignite the passion for QT in those who have not practiced it for a while,” she explained.
A guest experiencing QT for the first time
Some of her graduates even invited their friends and family members to the gathering. Steven, who was present with his wife Krystine, shared that he first learnt of QT when he was invited by his friend to be her “client” during one of Yvonne’s workshop (participants in Yvonne’s workshops can invite friends or family members with ailments to be clients during the practice sessions). At that time, he had this huge ugly looking bruise on his arm which healed very quickly after the QT session. “Usually it takes a long time for my hubby's bruise to be healed. But within a few hours after the QT session, there was a great difference. I was amazed and that’s why we’re here today to find out more,” said Krystine.
Graduates practicing on each other
So what are the ingredients for a successful QT gathering for a group of almost complete strangers, graduates and non graduates, people with different personalities? Careful planning, yummy food and lots of love!
The gathering kicked off with an interactive M&Ms icebreaker and sharing session. Participants, divided into different groups, had to answer questions based on the colour of the M&M that they picked out. It was a fun way to kick start the event and allowed bonding and exchange of insights to take place. Then it was tea-time, another opportunity for more bonding over food. After all, eating is a passion of Singaporeans!
Participants bonding over the M&Ms Icebreaker session
After tea, it was time for a practice session. Participants who were unwell had the chance to be treated. For some of the guests, it was a chance for them to experience QT for the first time. For some of the graduates who have not done QT for a while, they were real happy to discover that they still know how to do QT! For those who had forgotten the techniques or had questions, they took this opportunity to clarify with Yvonne. The Q A helped them realize that QT is a skill once learnt, it’s learnt for life.
It is true that the hours just fly by when you’re having fun, isn’t it? Soon it was time for goodbyes, always the hardest part. Many were seen exchanging contact numbers to maintain newly established friendships.
Shah shared that she was very happy that she could attend this function even though she graduated from another instructor’s class. “It is real nice to have a chance to meet other graduates and share our insights.”
Group Sessions
Another participant, Raymond sums it up nicely when he remarked that “the QT gathering has a refreshing and energetic atmosphere.”
Indeed. Many participants were spotted leaving the venue with the QT smile. Being in the company of like-minded individuals and in a highly positive environment is a fantastic way to start off the week!
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