Contribution to the January 2008 Newsletter

Contribució n al Boletí n de enero 2008 (version en Castellañ o debajo de la version en inglé s)
Our Group of Quantum-Touch Enthusiasts
The Story
Vinaró s is a precious cozy coastal town between Valencia and Barcelona in Spain, with a beautiful beach in front. With the kind help of my appreciated friends here, the practical preparation of the workshop was arranged quite easy.
In spite of the cold winds coming from the mountains, we spent two warm and happy days sharing our experiences together in sweet harmony. We felt comfortable and in peace.
The attendees showed their interest in how to become a practioner themselves. It will certainly be a great pleasure to continue to spread Quantum-Touch in Spain!
Testimonies from the workshop
Responses, taken from the workshop evaluation form:
“ An experience that will be quite difficult to forget”
“ Please spread this method through Spain. Melina, we want you as an instructor!”
“ Suggestions?: None! It was all marvellous! This workshop has been excellent and most gratifying”
A selection of e-mail responses :
From: Aurora
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 12:15 PM
Subject: How to thank you??
Hi Melina:
“ … .¿ How will I be able to thank you for all the good that has been done last weekend, to all of us people visiting this Quantum Touch workshop?
An intense hug and may God bless you...”
From: " salut"
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 1:24 AM
Subject: Gracias
“ dear Melina,
Just arrived home I really wanted to write you a couple of words of gratitude, even though it seems insignificant to me to just only say “ Thanks” for such an interesting and nutritive weekend. I am living through some moments which are - simply speaking – just marvellous, and I suppose that this was the best context to receive the first contact with Quantum Touch!.
I will now start to practice with all of my neighbourhood, with myself and with friends.
An embrace,
Salut ”
From: " Juan y Mercedes
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 10:17 PM
Subject: photos
“ Hello Melina.
Still we are a bit hallucinated with what you have shown us. Little by little, we start to practice, between each other, and also with the cat, hahaha.
Both Mercedes and the undersigned believe that we have been shown something really fantastic. And very important. Thank you
A great hug,
Juan & Mercedes..”
From: Anna
Subject: Fotos
“ … The truth is that ever since (the workshop) I feel different. I do not know if that is normal or what. The first days after the workshop I was feeling super tired, more tired than ever, but with a new vision about things, with more serenity… .”
“ … . I noted several alterations in me and I don’ t really understand why, I do a lot of Quantum Touch, with my little kids who were a bit sick and with my husband. I try to practice every day and it is superb… ”
“ … My sister became quite interested, I explained her about my experience; she is completely in the right mood to visit your forthcoming workshop… ”
From: Françoise
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 2:01 PM
Subject: françoise from Lanzarote
“ … .I am with Quantum Touch with my husband (who fractured his foot about 3 weeks ago), with my son, and I have some yoga students interested, so to speak people around me already get to know about Quantum Touch, and as here on this island everything goes from mouth to mouth, I expect that soon we will have just everybody wishing to do the workshop… ”
Thank you so much for teaching us Quantum Touch.
A great hug,
From: Carmen
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 1:13 PM
Subject: Hello!
As everybody knows, during all the workshop I felt quite sick, but ” … .the next day I felt just perfect, and super energetic.
The workshop fascinated me, I really think that it presents a super efficient tool, and it is very simple.
And I always think that we should all know and practice things like these. We should have this tool within the reach of our hands, as from our earliest years, when we are little kids. We should teach this one another, to show the world the simplicity that it works with, and with its flexibility in the way our love and life functions, not in the way they have taught us so far, all so rigid.
Well then, we will meet again, I already practice, also with my friend Eva, we share our experiences together…
a very strong embrace. Thank you! Carmen”
From: Mercè Llorens
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 8:25 AM
Subject: Fellows from Vinarós
Hello Melina, I am Melina, the student, hahaha
Thank you very much for all the information provided and most of all for your kind interest
I enjoyed the workshop greatly and it made me very enthousiastic; I believe that it is times ago that I had not utilised energy, but that’ s the way it goes, somebody or something else pushes me again in its direction, and right when I neede it most
The last days I could not stop bodysweeping, in order to run energy. I did it with the people that welcomed it, but I have to confess that I think that the greatest benefits of doing so were just for myself, well, that’ s for now I guess. I now got some little pains in the back so I think that some kind of problem is in the process of being released. Beside, during the workshop I got cured from my elbow tendinitis de los codos! That was fantastic! Incredible.
A kiss and a hug
Contribució n al Boletí n de enero 2008
La historia
Vinaró s es un precioso pueblo costero entre las ciudades de Valencia y Barcelona en Españ a, con una playa muy bonita. Con el apoyo amable de mis apreciados amigos en Vinaròs, la
La preparació n practica del taller se hizo fá cil.
Por muy frí o que fueran los vientos provenientes de la montañ a, nosotros pasamos dos dí as calurosos y felices, compartiendo juntos nuestras experiencias en una armonia especial. Nos encontramos muy confortables y en pá z.
Los participantes mostraron su interes en hacerse terapeuta. Será un gran placer continuar en la extensió n del Toque Cuá ntico en España!
Testimonios del taller
Respuestas, cogidas del formulá rio de evaluació n del taller:
“ Una experiencia que será dificil de olvidar”
“ Den a conocer este metodo en Españ a. Melina te queremos como instructora!”
“ Sugerencias?: Ninguna! Todo fue maravilloso! Este taller ha sido excelente y muy gratificante”
Una selecció n de correos electró nicos recibidos:
From: Aurora
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 12:15 PM
Subject: Có mo agradecerte??
Hola Melina:
“ … .¿ có mo agradecerte el bien que has hecho este fin de semana a todas las personas que acudimos al curso de Quantum Touch?
Un fuerte abrazo y que Dios de bendiga...”
From: " salut"
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 1:24 AM
Subject: Gracias
“ Estimada Melina,
Recié n llegada a casa deseaba escribirte unas palabras de agradecimiento, aunque me parece insignificante solo un Gracias por un fin de semana tan nutritivo. Estoy viviendo unos momentos sencillamente maravillosos, y supongo que este era el mejor contexto para recibir el primer contacto con el Quantum Touch.
Voy a empezar a practicar en mi entorno, en mi misma y amigos.
Un abrazo… … … … .”
From: " Juan
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 10:17 PM
Subject: fotos
“ Hola Melina.
Todavia estamos un poco alucinados con lo que nos has enseñ ado. Poco a poco, vamos practicando entre nosotros y con el gato, jeje. Tanto Mercedes como yo creemos que nos has mostrado algo fantástico, muy importante. Gracias. “
Un fuerte abrazo.
Juan y Mercedes
From: anna
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2007 2:26 PM
Subject: RE: Fotos
“ … La verdad es que desde entonces me siento diferente. No sé si eso es normal o qué , los primeros dí as me he sentido super cansada, má s cansada de lo normal, pero con una visió n de las cosas diferente, como con má s serenidad… .”
“ noto muchos cambios en mí y no entiendo porqué , hago mucho cuantum tauch, con mis hijos que han estado malitos y a mi marido, intento hacer cada dí a y es genial ..”
“ ..Mi hermana está muy interesada, le expiqué mi experiencia y tiene muchas ganas de ir… ”
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 2:01 PM
Subject: françoise de Lanzarote
“ Estoy con el QT con mi marido (que se fracturo el pie hace 3 semanas, con mi hijo, y tengo las alumnas del yoga) asi que ya van conociendo el QT aqui y como todo circula de boca en boca en la isla espero que pronto tendremos a todos queriendo hacer el curso...”
Gracias por enseñ arnoslo,
Un fuerte abrazo
From: Carmen
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 1:13 PM
Subject: re: hola!
” al dí a siguiente estaba perfecta y super energé tica.
El curso me encantó , realmente pienso que es una herramienta super eficaz y sencilla, y siempre pienso que estas cosas deberiamos saberlas todos y tenerlas al alcance de la mano desde pequeñ os. Nos deberian enseñ ar a ver el mundo con la sencillez con que funciona, y con su flexibilidad de funcionamiento, no como nos enseñ an que es, tan rí gido.
bueno, nos volveremos a ver, ya lo voy practicando, y tambien con mi amiga Eva, lo practicamos juntas… .
un abrazo muy, muy fuerte Gracias
From:Mercè Llorens
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: compañ eros de Vinaró s
Hola Melina, soy Melina la alumna, jajaja
muchas gracias por toda la informació n y sobre todo por tu interé s.
el curso me encanto y me entusiasmo, creo que hacia tiempo que no utilizaba la energí a, pero así son las cosas, alguien o algo me empuja otra vez hacia ella y cuando mas la necesito.
Estos dí as no he dejado de hacer los recorridos e incluso practicar con quien se ha dejado y debo decir que creo que los mayores beneficios han sido para mi, de momento. Estoy con unos dolorcitos en la espalda y creo que algú n problema se está arreglando, ademá s durante el curso curé mis tendinitis de los codos¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ fue fantá stico ¡ ¡ increí ble.
Por suerte tengo un montó n de personas que se me han prestado para hacer mis prá cticas.
Un beso y un fuerte abrazo
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