What Is Energy Healing?

by Renée Morris
November 10, 2024
Many people want to feel better and are actively searching for ways to do so that work. Beyond conventional solutions, there is a growing movement towards health empowerment and natural healing. This includes a surge of interest in non-invasive and holistic practices that harmonize with the body’s natural systems. One of these practices is energy healing.
People are talking about energy healing, booking sessions, studying its many modalities, and incorporating it into all aspects of life from physical to spiritual and everything in between. Even some healthcare institutions and providers are now including energy healing either alongside conventional treatments or as complimentary therapies. It is more than a passing trend; it appears that energy healing is here to stay.
But What Exactly Is Energy Healing?
In this article we will cover what energy healing is and where it comes from in order to demystify this practice and learn how it can help us all in a real way. We will also discuss what energy healing techniques look like and what they claim to do. We will spotlight one popular energy healing modality that has been said to be the ‘first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers’. We will then discuss how healing happens, the best approach for using energy healing in an empowered way in your life, and what to consider when booking a session.
Let’s get into it…
Energy Healing | Definition
Energy healing refers to any practice that supports the flow of life force energy through the body with the understanding that this flow is what keeps us healthy, functioning, and alive. Although we may experience our body as physical, on a subatomic level it is made up of this life force energy that flows through pathways and channels to animate and maintain the body.
Imbalances or blockages in the flow of our vital energy eventually manifest as illness or distress in the body, mind, or spirit, and disharmony in life. Similar to how a river can become obstructed by debris thereby disrupting the natural rhythm and balance of the ecosystem, so can the body’s natural systems and balance be disrupted by blockages or hindrances in its energy flow.
By promoting the free and abundant flow of life force energy, healing can occur in the body and harmony restored in life, just as clearing a river’s blockages will allow the natural flow of water to resume. In short, energy flow supports well-being on all levels, and well-being depends on the vital flow of life force energy.
Energy healing takes many forms which we will discuss shortly, but the core understanding of all energy healing practices remains the same: energetic well-being creates physical well-being.
History and Origins
Although energy healing might be a new term for many of you, it has existed in various forms across the globe for millennia. What you experience today as energy healing has its roots in ancient wisdom and practice. Some cultures have never lost their inherent understanding of the energetic fabric of physical experience. Other cultures, like most developed Westernized nations, are rediscovering it as though for the first time.
The concept of life force energy has been expressed in many languages and used in healing traditions for thousands of years. The Japanese call it Ki, and use it in practices like Reiki and martial arts such as Aikido. The Chinese know it as Chi/Qi, which is often associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine and other practices like Qigong and Tai Chi. This energy has been called Prana, Mana, orgone, élan vital, x-force, vis medicatrix naturae (nature’s life force), bio-energy, ether, and more. While the terminology may vary, the understanding remains the same and points to a universal appreciation of an animating force of life that can be used to restore balance, promote health and healing, and maintain harmony.
Techniques and Modalities
Energy healing is an umbrella term that includes many different techniques and modalities, all aiming to promote the abundant flow of life force energy in the body. Energy healing can be practiced on oneself and it can also done with another person or in group settings. Some modalities can be done in-person and also at a distance. It can even be used to bring harmony to circumstances, relationships, and for manifesting desired outcomes. Experiencing energy healing from a reputable and certified professional is recommended. We will elaborate on this point later on in the article, along with some tips on how to choose the energy healing experience that is right for you.
Some energy healers use their hands with a gentle touch or with a ‘hands hovering’ technique to direct and transfer the life force energy to the recipient. Other healers use tools like crystals or magnets. Some techniques involve breathwork, meditation, visualization, intention setting, sound, and more. It is very common for healers to use a combination of techniques in their practice. Each technique is like a tool in their toolbox, with every tool offering its own unique approach for calling in the life force energy and transferring it to the recipient.
Some of the more well-known energy healing modalities include QiGong, acupuncture, sound healing, Reiki, ThetaHealing, crystal healing, and reflexology.
Another popular energy healing modality that is known for its simplicity and effectiveness is Quantum-Touch. Quantum-Touch can be learned easily by anyone, and can be done anytime, anywhere. This modality uses a unique technique called ‘running energy’, where practitioners learn how to link breath and body awareness to amplify the power of life force energy within themselves and then direct it to the recipient. The recipient’s body decides how and where to use the energy in healing itself. Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association, C.Norman Shealy, M.D., said that ‘Quantum-Touch appears to be the first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers’.
Click Here to Learn more about Quantum-Touch and find out if it can help you.
How Can Energy Healing Help Me in Real Life?
By now, you are likely interested in hearing how energy healing can help you in real life. The list of potential benefits is extensive - even miraculous - and there are compelling testimonials attesting to the benefits of energy healing for just about every manner of issue and illness. This is encouraging and hopeful, but it can also give a false impression that an energy healer can ‘fix’ you or has the ability to heal your body from disease. This is simply untrue. It is not possible.
It is important to understand first how healing happens and what is really going on when we practice energy healing so that you can be sure to implement energy healing successfully and effectively in your life for the results that you want.
How Healing Happens
Energy healing pioneer Richard Gordon says, ‘A healer is someone who was sick and got well. A great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly’. No one can heal another person. An ‘energy healer’ is simply providing the life force energy for the recipient to use in healing himself/herself. The recipient’s built-in body intelligence is the true healer and decides what healing will happen, when it will happen, and how. Given an abundance of life force energy, the body is better equipped to heal itself from illness, injury, or any other issue.
And so, it is important to understand that the energy healing practitioner cannot fix you or heal you. You are your own healer. Any extraordinary improvement or healing miracle that you experience is as a result of your inner healer being able to do its job effectively. It is within this context that we can all feel empowered to invite energy healing into our lives to support our body’s natural ability to heal itself, and with the understanding that there is a greater intelligence that decides what healing will happen and when. For many people, the realization that they have an inner healer that plays a direct role in their own well-being is life-changing.
Benefits and Claims
Now that we understand that the recipient is the true healer and that the practitioner is the healing facilitator, we can review some of the most commonly reported benefits of energy healing. We might understand the presence of these common tendencies to suggest that, although the client’s inner healer ultimately decides what is going to happen, there are universal principles by which the energy operates. Because of this, we often see many people reporting similar results.
Some of the more common benefits that people report are:
- Stress Reduction and Deep Relaxation
- Pain Relief / Relief from Discomfort
- Accelerated Healing of Existing Conditions
- Increased Mental Clarity and Focus
- Improved Emotional Well-Being
- Increased Vitality and Joy
It simply makes sense that when the body has more energy available to it, it can heal itself more effectively and efficiently in all ways. A relaxed, well-rested state naturally allows for increased flow of energy through the body for healing.
Manifestation | Energy Healing and the Law of Attraction
Apart from physical health and well-being, energy healing can also be used to support the manifestation of desired outcomes in life. Many people are familiar with the idea of manifestation and the Law of Attraction, both of which share a common core understanding with energy healing: that everything is energy and that energy operates according to the universal principle whereby vibrant energy flow supports well-being and harmony on all levels.
And so, just as an abundant flow of life force energy can help to manifest healing in the body, so can it also be directed to circumstances, relationships, and goals to help manifest desired outcomes in life. Energy healing can work with the microcosm of the body and also with the macrocosm of one’s life, to bring about harmony and the highest possible outcome.
People have used energy healing techniques for financial abundance, to manifest a romantic partner, to support the growth of their business, to change their lifestyle, to achieve seemingly impossible goals, and more. Be it in our body or in our life, our life force energy influences our physical reality on all levels and in all ways.
To dive deeper into the fascinating topic of energy healing and manifestation, read the book Hacking the Law of Attraction by Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum-Touch energy healing or take the corresponding workshop, Manifesting Miracles.
Click Here for Hacking the Law of Attraction
Click Here for More Information on Manifesting Miracles
Healing Stories
For some of you, it might be hard to wrap your mind around the idea of energy healing, even after reading up to this point. After all, we are talking about unseen subtle forces that affect the body and the world around us and that somehow can help us to feel better. For many people, it requires a shift in thinking that might not come easily. For those of you who are struggling to see how energy healing might help you in your life, consider reading or watching testimonials and healing stories from people who have benefitted from energy healing. Hearing other people describe their experience can often connect us to a deeper understanding of the work itself and ignite a desire to try it out.
Here are two compelling healing stories, one related to the physical body and one using energy healing to manifest a new job:
Hearing Returns in one Quantum-Touch session
Quantum-Touch Helps Manifest a New Job
Things to Consider When Booking an Energy Healing Session
By now, you may be interested in experiencing an energy healing session for yourself. Here are a few things to consider while shopping around for a practitioner and modality.
- Research: Research the various modalities and then choose one that resonates with you. Ensure that it is in alignment with your expectations and the experience you are looking for. Understand how the modality is practiced and what is required from you. Would you prefer an in-person session or one done at a distance? Do you like the idea of sound healing? Do you understand what the session entails?
- Look for a certified practitioner: Check the practitioner’s qualifications and testimonials. Avoid anyone who promises to heal you or fix you. Choose a reputable and professional practitioner with an established practice.
- Cost and commitment: The cost for energy healing can vary dramatically. Check the cost before booking so you know if it works with your budget. Some modalities may require a commitment of several sessions to start and other modalities start with a single session and then the practitioner will advise you on how to proceed afterward.
These are just a few main considerations when looking to book your first energy healing experience. Do your research and allow your intuition to guide you as well.
Energy Healing Might Be What You Are Looking For
Energy healing encompasses a diverse range of holistic practices rooted in the understanding that energy flow has a direct impact on the well-being of our bodies and the harmony in our lives. From ancient traditions to modern practices, energy healing has been used all over the world for millennia to promote healing and restore balance. By cultivating the free and abundant flow of life force energy, the body is better equipped to heal itself. The reported benefits of energy healing range from subtle to miraculous, with many people reporting some of the same benefits like stress reduction, pain relief, accelerated healing, and more.
Through energy healing, people discover the power and wisdom of their inner healer. No one can heal another person. We can only heal ourselves. The same principles are at work in manifestation and the Law of Attraction, which is why energy healing can also be applied to all aspects of life for manifesting desired outcomes. This is exciting work, the limits of which are as of yet unknown.
Be sure to do proper research when initiating your energy healing journey, and allow yourself to explore new ways of thinking about health, healing, and the nature of human experience. If you have been searching for a way to feel better and support your body’s ability to heal itself, and if you would love to invite more harmony into your life, then energy healing might be what you are looking for. May your life force flow freely and abundantly!

Renée Morris
Quantum-Touch Practitioner and Ambassador
Click Here to View Her Profile

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