You Deserve a Happy, Healthy, Abundant Life!
Discover how Quantum-Touch can help.
Quantum-Touch video workshop in Kapahi

Quantum-Touch video workshop set for this weekend in Kapahi
The Garden Island, Wednesday, December 3, 2003
The True Magic of Touch is Life-Force Energy

For decades, physicians and psychologists have been praising the tremendous value and importance of touch. Studies have shown that babies who are not touched will not grow as quickly as their counterparts who are held regularly.
Sharp: Quantum Touch Helps People Heal Themselves

Rob Sharp’s life changed with a question handed to him during a religious gathering two decades ago in his native Australia.
To Your Health - Supercharging

Since a valid martial art must have some healing system I set out to search for one that was easy, safe, effective and free of any occult activity. By accident I came across
The Quantum-Touch Smile

Those of you who have experienced Quantum-Touch are familiar with the Quantum-Touch smile. It is a rare and fabulous smile of extraordinary well being.
How Did A Skeptic Discover Energy Healing?

It's amazing to think that a true skeptic like Richard Gordon would ever found a company dedicated to energy healing! Check out his story...
The Connection between Heart Energy & Alternative Healing

Did you know that a study put out by the Heart Math Institute stated that our human heart's energy output can dramatically change the way we perceive our interaction with those we come in contact with daily

Learn Online with the Original Workshop Online Video Library!
The fastest and most economical way to get started with Quantum-Touch is to learn at home with The Original Workshop Online Video Library. The Original Workshop Online is a complete, low cost Quantum-Touch workshop with interactive quizzes and practice sessions.
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