You Deserve a Happy, Healthy, Abundant Life!
Discover how Quantum-Touch can help.
Richard Gordon Presents Quantum-Touch at the A.R.E. Conference
Richard's lively, interactive workshop was very well received by an audience of over 100 people who were attending the A.R.E. Conference on Medical Intuition Training.
Quantum-Touch and CranioSacral Therapy
CS Therapists work on the bones of the cranium in certain situations. By enhancing the work with Quantum-Touch, the bones may move quicker if they are ready to release.
Quantum-Touch: A Super Charged Approach to Living Article
Quantum-Touch is featured in the September/October 2008 ABMP's Massage and Bodywork Magazine
Quantum-Touch, Energy and Frequency
We may see our bodies as being solid and made up of blood and tissue and bone but every part of our bodies is actually energy vibrating and flowing in streams and there is more energy permeating and surrounding what we see as our bodies.
How To Do What You Love and Create Financial Abundance
Don't put up with a an unfulfilling job! How to manifest a soul centered and financially abundant practice.
How Quickly Will People Heal?
How quickly a person heals is due in part to variables we do not control. Simply offer the Quantum-Touch healing and allow their system to do its best.
"A Significant Breakthrough"
Quantum-Touch is a significant breakthrough in hands-on healing in that it enables both lay people and healing professionals to direct life-force energy (often called chi, or prana) to correct health problems. This book teaches health practitioners how.
Learn Online with the Original Workshop Online Video Library!
The fastest and most economical way to get started with Quantum-Touch is to learn at home with The Original Workshop Online Video Library. The Original Workshop Online is a complete, low cost Quantum-Touch workshop with interactive quizzes and practice sessions.
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