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Self-Love is Illuminated with Quantum-Touch

By Meg Peterson

My practice and teaching of Quantum-Touch for the past 18 years has been full of miracles, surprises and love! I usually don’t share the stories, but felt compelled to do so after a distant healing client sent me various good feedback over time. With her consent, here is her story.

I don’t know how she found me, but she contacted me out of the blue from the other side of the country to request energy healing, a while ago. We agreed and set up a monthly package of daily healings.

I could tell from the first contact that she had a lot on her plate. Eventually she shared her issues, which was far more complicated than I intuitively knew. She also had been out of work for some time. I addressed her issues one-by-one, energetically, and eventually started feeling her energy shift. She started to feel the changes, as well.

She is a person who is very aware of her issues, so she gave me feedback quite often.

Here is a brief list of some of the main improvements she experienced:

1. Her number of meds were adjusted as she was getting so much better.
2. Any light symptoms would be gone much faster.
3. Some long-lasting anxieties and allergies had been lifted to become manageable if not completely gone.
4. Deep buried past traumas surfaced, but then enlightened her.
5. She got a few job interviews lined up.

Here is a direct message from her 5 months after we started the sessions:

“I want to tell you about a dream I had November 13, 2022. In the dream, I was in my room and I was talking to a double of myself. It was me with a little extra weight and this double had beautiful long braids. This double told me I was going to fall in love with myself. When I met you, I was very hard on myself for the appearance of my body and I was criticizing myself a lot. And last year, at the same date, November 13, 2023, I realized that I did indeed fall in love with myself all over again. And as of now, all the light you brought in my life has made me much more compassionate, loving and respectful of myself. And for all of this I say THANK YOU!”

Isn’t it lovely? I think we should all fall in love with ourselves!

She also sent me the following message about 2 weeks later:

“I wanted to tell you that since telling you about 2 of my biggest traumas, I feel so much lighter. The universe keeps on sending me synchronicities to let me know I’m on the right path. I feel like it’s a new beginning for me.”

How wonderful to hear that!? Right?

On a technical note, I have been offering these types of sessions for quite some time. I don’t discuss the client's conditions or symptoms. They inform me how they are at first and whenever the situation changes during the course of the agreed month(s). Instead of “talking about it” I purely send energy to what I was told, and occasionally suggest something which might be beneficial to them. This approach seems to be great for chronic symptoms and/or deeper issues.

I send energy every day to a client, during the day or night, at my convenience, with the intention that the recipient gets as much energy as needed whenever they are in a good to do so situation. (Energy bends time so this is totally possible!) Then, I send them a weekly report which tells what I did/sensed/noticed daily, so that they can backlog how they were during that week. This is also a fun part as my lists often coincide with the client's conditions, topic of the day, intentions etc.

We can apply so many ways to do the Quantum-Touch and the fun never ends! 


Meg 20181

Meg Peterson

Quantum-Touch Inc. Japanese Liaison
Certified Instructor for L1, L2, SCH, SG 
and Instructor Trainer for L1/L2

Click Here to View Her Profile

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