You Deserve a Happy, Healthy, Abundant Life!
Discover how Quantum-Touch can help.
Can You Really Learn Energy Healing Online?
If you like the freedom of virtual learning but aren’t sure about putting your skills into practice in real life, then read on.
Chris Uses Quantum-Touch on Himself While in the Emergency Room
When we learn Quantum-Touch it is a wonderful gift to ourselves. This has been reinforced by Chris Thomas. Chris is both a client and a student of Quantum-Touch and used his skills to great effect in this story he has shared...
What Is Energy Healing?
Beyond conventional solutions, there is a growing movement towards health empowerment and natural healing, including energy healing practices.
Arriving Where You Already Are
So much of life is often spent rushing – trying to arrive somewhere we believe is different than the place we already stand. But what if every experience is available to us right now?
Is Level 1 a Fit For Me?
The four main reasons why a person might want to learn Quantum-Touch and the benefits of learning through the Level 1 workshop experience.
What Is Life Force Energy?
What is Life Force Energy and why you might not have ever been aware of it.
Realms of Possibility Within Your Being
Within you glistens realms of possibility. It simply begins with one strand of being and trusting yourself to radiate outwards and create your dreams. It all begins within. A void of darkness and then light. Powerful spider medicine...
Tap into Your Greatest Power!
Our ability to relax is one of the greatest powers we have. It is in these exact moments that we open ourselves up to the universal flow of life force energy and rather than do, we allow the power to flow through us, heightening the experience and effectiveness.
Self-Love is Illuminated with Quantum-Touch
A woman starts to see chronic issues lessen while receiving distant Quantum-Touch daily and begins to fall in love with herself all over again.
Group Healing in the Mountains of Turkiye
A Quantum-Touch Practitioner-in-training doubts whether she could successfully lead a group session. This is a story about her journey...
Learn Online with the Original Workshop Online Video Library!
The fastest and most economical way to get started with Quantum-Touch is to learn at home with The Original Workshop Online Video Library. The Original Workshop Online is a complete, low cost Quantum-Touch workshop with interactive quizzes and practice sessions.
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